And not because it was a bad meeting. It was quite the opposite. It was a wonderfully productive meeting in which we figured out where we stood in putting together this incredibly tech-heavy play, and what we need to do between now and our production run next week, which is a rehearsal when the designers and the actors all get together and walk through the play. The actors will play their characters and the sound designer (Allyssa Jones) will be cueing the sound for that moment (road noises, thunder, a door opening) and the lighting designer (Barbara Craig) will be projecting images onto the set. This is also the time when our stage manager, Jadira Figueroa will start working with the cues so when tech week comes she'll already have a good feel for running the show.
When I acted, what happened to me last night would happen to me all of the time. Suddenly, this thing, this being, this creature, this force would take over and fill up my body, completely out of my control. I just had to lie there and sweat it out. Today, despite not having slept, my mind feels alert and sharp. It's all part of the creative process.
After the meeting Jeff, the director, and Amy, the production manager, stayed behind for a beer, and I commented to Jeff that things are going very well. He replied, As they should.