I found a side road, with smaller roads feeding off it. Dirt roads that had been plowed then sand laid down over the ice. The roads had names like, Such and Such Mountain Road. A lot of them were named after mountains. Of course those were the roads I steered down.
I had our little travel camera, and forgot about words and saw the world visually. I think I still have my eye; line, shape, color, tone, texture, direction, contrast is all there in the images. I didn't think; I saw, I felt, I reacted to what I saw in the viewfinder.
I needed to get away because the day before I finished a draft of Plank. I had known the ending, or a good idea what the ending was going to be, I just was in a twist trying to figure out how to get it there. Let the characters lead you; let the piece lead you. I heard that here at the Vermont Studio Center from so many people.