I do find myself in the same mental spot where I was last year at this time: writing, writing, writing, but at the moment, with no funding to develop in the upcoming year, you have to ask yourself, what's the point? Why am I working when there is no hope for development? Self-doubt is just an everyday matter for an artist. Just believe. Sue tells me all of the time, just write. You'll find your audience. Or rather, they'll find you.
The dramaturgical images are of things that have angered or scared me (or both?) in the past years vis a vis capitalism: The militarization of the police, the BP oil spill, the reaction of the police to the Dakota pipeline protest, the reaction to Occupy (I still don't understand why Obama didn't speak out about the treatment of the protesters), Treyvon Martin and the reaction by many whites to the Black Lives Matter movement. All tied to capitalism.
Yes. It was capitalism at its worst.
Capitalism at its worst. I couldn’t have put it better.
Words are taking up a lot of my energy. The insomniac in me lies awake in the dark, words acting like the cogs in a wheel, turning, turning... But my visual senses are alive. Go here to see all of my images.